Configuring config.yaml

config.yaml contains the instructions needed by uvmcmcfit to initiate the model fitting process.

Required keywords

A few house-keeping parameters:

# Name of the target
ObjectName: XMM101

# Name of the fits image; the pixel scale in this image sets the pixel
# scale in the model image
ImageName: XMM101.concat.statwt.cont.mfs.fits

# Name of the uvfits visibility data; the weights should be scaled such
# that Sum(weights * real) ~ N_vis [see uvutil.statwt()]
UVData: XMM101.concat.statwt.cont.uvfits

# Number of walkers
Nwalkers: 24


The number of walkers used by emcee must be more than double the number of parameters). In this case, there are only 6 parameters, so the minimum number of walkers is 12. I selected 24 to be on the safe side.

Now for parameters that describe the geometry of the system. You must define at least one region. The first region should be named Region0, the second Region1, etc. Pay attention to the indentation; the remaining keywords must be indented to indicate they are sub-components of Region0. For each region, you must define a RA and Dec center, an angular radial extent that contains the emission which you are attempting to model, and at least one source.

The first source should be named Source0, the second source should be named Source1, etc. Sources are elliptical Gaussians. Each source must have the following parameters: the total intrinsic flux density (IntrinsicFlux [mJy]), the effective radius defined as sqrt(a*b) (EffectiveRadius [arcsec]), the offset in RA and Dec from RACentroid and DecCentroid (DeltaRA and DeltaDec [arcsec]), the axial ratio (AxialRatio), and the position angle in degrees east of north (PositionAngle [degrees]).

For each source parameter, you must specify the lower and upper limits as well as how to initialize the walkers for that parameter. This is done using the following syntax: Limits: [lower limit, lower initialization, upper initialization, upper limit]. So, for example, in the code snippet below for XMM101, Source0 is permitted to have a total intrinsic flux density ranging from 1 to 25 mJy, but is initialized with a uniform probability density distribution between 5 and 10 mJy.

# First region

    # Right Ascension and Declination center of the model image (degrees)::
    RACentroid: 36.449395
    DecCentroid: -4.2974618

    # Angular radial extent of the model image (arcsec)
    RadialExtent: 1.5

    # Source0

        # total intrinsic flux density
            Limits: [1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0]

        # effective radius of elliptical Gaussian [sqrt(a*b)] (arcsec)
            Limits: [0.01, 0.01, 1.2, 1.2]

        # Offset in RA and Dec from RACentroid and DecCentroid (arcseconds)
            Limits: [-0.4, -0.2, 0.2, 0.4]
            Limits: [-0.4, -0.2, 0.2, 0.4]

        # axial ratio = semi-minor axis / semi-major axis
            Limits: [0.2, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0]

        # position angle (degrees east of north)
            Limits: [0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 180.0]

Optional keywords

By default, the maximum likelihood estimate is used to measure the goodness of fit. Alternatively, you may use the chi-squared value as the goodness of fit criterion via:

# Goodness of fit measurement
LogLike: chi2

By default, parallel processing is not used. To use parallel processing on a single machine, set the Nthreads variable to a number greater than 1. For example,

# Number of threads for multi-processing on a single computer
Nthreads: 2

If you have access to a computer cluster with many compute cores, you can use Message Passing Interface to greatly speed up the modeling process:

# Use Message Passing Interface
MPI: True
Nthreads: 1


Nthreads must be equal to 1 if using MPI!

If you want to compare the model results with an image obtained at another wavelength (e.g., an HST image), you must specify the location of the alternative image as well as the telescope and filter used to obtain the image:

# Alternative image name (used only for comparing with best-fit model)
OpticalImage: XMM101_F110W.fits

# Telescope and filter of alternative image
OpticalTag: HST F110W